Friday, May 7, 2010

Protected Species

8:20 AM, 9/2/2010
Greg Kelton in last Saturday’s Advertiser referred to our State’s Attorney General as a “protected species”, despite Mr Atkinson being the cause of most of the major political scandals which have marred the Rann Government. The political neutral may ask: why is the AG given the same privileged status as the Arakan Forrest Turtle and the Brazilian Merganser? It is a story that goes back many years.

The ‘Labor Unity’ or’Right’ faction is the biggest and most powerful faction in the SA ALP, however its founders will talk fondly of its humble beginnings. From my recollection of this campfire-side tale, it all started with four people: Senator Don Farrell, Michael Atkinson MP, Paul Holloway MLC and Michael O’Brien MP. As a cynic, I don’t worship this sacred meeting in the manner of some within the party, so my details may be a little blurry. O’Brien may not have been there. It may have been at a Chinese Restaurant or an Italian Restaurant, I don’t know. The point is, the faction started small.

Loyalty in politics is prized above all else, (which is why I will never be Guest speaker at a Makin School dinner), so whilst the Beatles had no problem exchanging Pete Best for Ringo Starr before making it big, the Unity Fab Four have exhibited unstinting loyalty during the growth of the faction. It would take a scandal of monumental proportions for the removal of the AG from cabinet, or even from his prized portfolio. Who knows what Mike Rann’s views on this may be? Greg Kelton seemed to suggest that Rann is stretched to his limit - indeed he must be extremely envious of Kevin Rudd and his pronounced flexibility in choosing his own cabinet. If he did have such open slather, then I am sure he would do some things differently.

Michael Atkinson is undeniably a strong parliamentary performer and based on his quiz night prowess is blessed with a near-photographic memory. There certainly is a place within the Cabinet for someone of such abilities. The State ALP, however, contains a raft of gifted legal thinkers; John Rau, Pat Conlon and Jay Weatherill would all give their right arms for a crack at the prized portfolio, and a re-shuffle would surely supply a fresh set of eyes and some new solutions to portfolio issues. However I get the sense that the AG wishes to be known as a career AG - only the public will be able to blast him off his Cabinet Seat. I would suggest that maybe the Transport portfolio would be a good fit for him - he has a love for all things relating to locomotives etc. Whilst the resolute loyalty exhibited by senior right power brokers is perhaps vital for the strength of the faction, it doesn’t necessarily make things easy when it comes to re-invigorating the Government.

Any cabinet reshuffle after the election may be tricky, depending on the number of seats that the ALP loses. Chloe Fox, Leon Bignell, Grace Portolesi, and Tony Piccolo
could all either be Ministers or lose their seats. Lee Oldenwalder and Leesa Vlahos are Ministerial material, but they would need to serve their time, one would think. One of the best speakers and deepest thinkers in the ALP, Bernard Finnigan, would also make an extremely competent Minister, though whether he fits within the Premier’s future plans is debatable. It is difficult to see Paul Holloway MLC continuing beyond the 2014 election, so a new leader of the upper house will need to be selected at some point.

Most of the members residing in safe ALP seats are either already Ministers, or not in the running. It is highly unlikely that Frances Bedford MP, Robyn Geraghty MP, Steph Key MP, Lyn Breuer MP will come into consideration. If the Rann Government is returned, Mike will have to survey the battlefield, send out the triage doctor, and consider who is still fit to fight on. The Upper House, of course, is stationed well away from enemy lines. Bernard Finnigan and Ian Hunter are perhaps the only options for promotion, although Ian Hunter’s outspokenness on gay rights/religious issues may work against him. John Rau may finally be a winner, Steven Bradbury style.

An election victory by the Rann Government will be cause for much celebration within ALP ranks, at least for a week or so. The hangover will be a doozy though, as the 2010-14 term will be dominated by many questions which will be difficult for powerbrokers to answer. The Rann leadership issue, discussed in a previous blog, will be the headliner. Finding a way to rejuvenate a Cabinet within the confines of factional gridlock will potentially be just as important.

Til next time,


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