Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Generation Why?

This week has AWU knuckle dragger Wayne Hanson has called for the replacement of the Rann-Foley leadership team as part of generational change within the SA ALP. This is quite ironic given that Hanson is a throwback to the style of union leader of bygone eras. For once, however, I tend to agree with him. Since this years election victory, Rann and Foley have staggered from one bad news story to the next. The problem facing the ALP is the generation waiting to replace the Rann generation is vastly inferior.

Normally in the wake of an election victory, the returning Government is given a significant bounce, while the opposition internally blood lets and licks its wounds. In the case of the Rann Government, its third term has been an unyielding tale of woe from the outset. It started with Rann’s acerbic election night speech, through the Family First how to vote card saga, the Foley Adelaide Oval debacle and ends up at the Parks Community centre balls up. The future looks bleak, with public sector unions clinking their sabres at the Government’s gates. What is the reason behind the Rann Government’s terrible failure?

Following the proverbial kick up the pants given to ALP in this years election, Rann came out issuing an order for his troops to “reconnect with the community”. Such a directive is meaningless when the personnel are incapable of achieving such measures. Many within the Government have grown so fat, lazy and arrogant that all hope is lost. Michael O’Brien, known at POTUS (President of the United States) within the Right faction because of his over inflated sense of his own importance, is a perfect example. Instead of doorknocking his Northern suburbs electorate, he sent a senior adviser out in the Ministerial car to do it for him. O’Brien is a perfect example of why MPs should be required to live in their electorates for a designated period of time. Flawed preselection processes over a generation have resulted in an emerging generation of MPs ill-equipped to take the reigns from Rann.

The Rann Government could now be classified as an old dog, incapable of learning new tricks despite the clear need to do so. Matters are only going to get worse. Largesse amongst some Ministers, such as Minister Michael Wright, went relatively unnoticed in previous terms. In light of such a harsh cost cutting budget, however, every extravagant lunch or overseas trip will take on increasing importance. The public will ask why a six person junket to New York (amongst other places) totalling $90,000 was required, particularly when the previous police Minister (who’s adviser is COS), already took the trip. Every cabinet reshuffle should not justify a duplication of the previous Minister’s sojourns. It is likely that the Rann Government will suffer numerous blows via FOI throughout the coming term.

So desperate is the Rann Government to achieve a good news story, they are apparently considering the establishment of an ICAC. Their reasoning behind this decision is deeply flawed, and assumes that the numerous skeletons within the Government’s closet are less damaging than the continuing refusal to create ICAC. I assert this is not the case. The Government has much to fear in the following areas; involvement of development lobbyists in Government decision making; inappropriate appointments to paid Government positions; inappropriate use of Ministerial and or MP allowances/priviledges. It is conceivable that a number of scandals could rock the Government. Perhaps they will announce the establishment of the ICAC, to commence in 2015. Such a strategy would be greeted with the appropriate degree of cynicism.

The reasons behind the Rann Government’s unpopularity are deeply entrenched within the party and the Parliament. A change of attitude is not possible without a wide spread change of personnel. Unfortunately, however, the lack of foresight and principals of factional leaders has resulted in a talent and brain drain likely to curse the party for a generation at the least. Even if someone like Weatherill does manage to take the helm, he will be in charge of a leaky and decrepit old ship.

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