Saturday, January 22, 2011

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

The battle within the ALP to be anointed successor to Kevin Foley (and ultimately Mike Rann) is reaching fever point. Much of the media commentary on the issue has focused on the fact that the Right faction controls the numbers within caucus, and can therefore impose their preferred outcome upon the minority Left. While this is technically accurate, much of the Right’s success over the years (driven by Don Farrell) has been due to their reluctance to exert its supremacy in situations where negotiation is possible. The young Turks within the party have long advocated a “rape and pillage” approach, but the wiser monkeys foresaw that this would lead to an irreparable break down of the “Machine” factional arrangement. My sources suggest that the old Vikings are heading towards Valhalla, and the newer, more brutal incarnation are preparing to stampede through the Left’s village.

For many years Jay Weatherill has been introduced at Left events as “the next Premier of South Australia”. Disgruntled backbench MPs have endured the WorkCover reforms and harsh budgets, soothed by the thought that it would all be ok when Jay takes over. This idealistic fantasizing is symbolic of the Left. Jay never had the numbers, and his haughty and superior visage caused spite amongst the Right. Now that the crucial moment has arrived, Left wing back benchers are confronted with a decision. They can continue to enjoy the spoils of office, and the associated responsibility for the decisions which they profess to “oppose”. Or they can put their money where their mouth is.

Nothing irks me more than Left wing back benchers such as Steph Key, hypocrites that stand “in solidarity” at protests against the Government, then waddle inside and park themselves on the comfy seats of power. The time has come for them to either make a stand. Advancing their view from within the party and the Government has clearly fallen on deaf ears. They need to accept that they don’t have the numbers to make change within caucus, so they must take drastic measures during these drastic times.

It seems that many in the Left are willing to take drastic action. It is my understanding that late in the week a tentative deal was made between the Left and one portion of the Right faction to allow Jay Weatherill to become Treasurer. It is likely that this deal was in response to threats by Left backbenchers to resign from the ALP and/or the Parliament. By Saturday, the deal was off. I can only speculate that anger within the “slash and burn” faction of the Right won the day over the “defend the fort” faction. The Right is banking upon the Left being all talk and no action, which certainly has proven to be the case in the past e.g. WorkCover debate. While it is now likely that Weatherill will quit the frontbench in disgust over the reneged deal, time will tell how Left members in the twilight of their careers will react. My question is, what does someone like Steph Key have to lose from calling a spiteful by-election in her seat? Not much.

Political commentators in this State are slow to react to the changing dynamics in SA ALP politics. They continue to seek comments from SA Senator and power broker Don Farrell, and then take these words as gospel. While Don Farrell still exerts significant control within the faction, he is no longer the only force within the faction. It is my assertion that the thwarted Weatherill deal is a result of a battle between opposing forces within the faction to control the destiny of the State Government.

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