Tuesday, August 9, 2011

United in chaos

On 891 Breakfast this morning, Premier in waiting Jay Weatherill said that he only wanted to take the leadership of the ALP when the entire party was united behind him. Whilst it may be the case that both major factions have pragmatically decided to back his leadership, it is ludicrous to suggest that the entire party is pleased with this scenario. There is clear evidence of disunity in the mess that has been the last week.

The chaos within the ALP in the past week can be directly linked to one event; the leaking of the Rann-Snelling-Malinauskas meeting to Angelique Johnson on Friday afternoon. While it appears that Peter M was blabbing details of the impending meeting to all in sundry, it was only in the interests of a select few to leak this information to the media. Rann, Snelling, Malinauskas and Weatherill have all been tarnished by the premature announcement of the internal machinations surrounding the leadership. While it is possible that an eager left faction member couldn’t contain their excitement, it is my assertion that the only person/group with any motivation to leak the deal was John Rau or his supporter group. If this is the case, there is clear evidence of a divided Labor Unity.

We know from media reports that the Lithuanian Adonis, Peter Malinauskas, informed John Rau on Friday afternoon that he had not been anointed successor. It is not beyond belief to suggest that upon hearing this news, Rau, a borderline ego-maniac, responded to this news by venting his spleen to his array of supporters. Amongst this group, at least one of them must have realized that a tactical leaking of the story of the year would unleash merry hell. With the media convention of protecting ones sources, such chaos could be let loose in anonymity. Of course, it is possible that Malinauskas or Snelling leaked the story in retaliation for being abused by Mike, but even I doubt they could be so stupid.

Grudges in the ALP can last a lifetime. I am living proof of this fact. To suggest that it is possible for Right faction acolytes to bury over a decade of burning hatred towards factional warrior Jay Weatherill purely out of political pragmatism is ludicrous. People like Tom Kenyon, Tom Koutsantonis and co may perhaps accept the political reality of the situation that they are faced with, but in their hearts and souls they still harbor deep animosity towards “Leftie Jay”. While perhaps the Right faction will be able to exercise the discipline to present a show of external discipline, in the shadows and the smoky corners there will be mutterings of dissent.

In the coming months, Jay Weatherill will not only face white anting from elements of the Right faction, but it is also likely that he will come into conflict with his own Left faction. Unless he brings to the Premiership bulging sacks of gold and jewels, Jay will be facing a tight budgetary position AND a screaming union movement asking for back flips. Rest assured, if Jay caves to the left, he will face the wrath of the Right. If he doesn’t cave the Left, he will be held responsible for his inability to control “his faction”. It is an unenviable position.

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