Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Left out in the cold

Much of the immediate coverage of the Rann Ministry reshuffle focussed upon the overwhelming dominance of the Right faction, which I would argue isn’t really a new story, nor is it the big issue arising from the front bench “regeneration”. The Right or Unity has had numerical supremacy over party decisions for some time, as evidenced by the recent ALP State Convention. I would suggest that the most surprising aspect of yesterday’s caucus was the timidity and meek acquiescence of the Left faction, despite its various threats and sabre rattling over the past month. Upon re-examination of the past four years, however, the Left’s capitulation should have been anticipated.

As a former member of the Right faction, I am often most outspoken about the failings of the bachelor boys from Kent Town. Let there be no mistake, however, that I find the insipid hypocrisy of the Left faction no less despicable. Spared from the numerical advantage, and therefore the onus of making decisions, the “socialist” branch of the Labor party enjoys commentating and sniping from the moral high ground. In the lead up to controversial decisions, they will often threaten to become martyrs, crossing the floor or resigning their membership. This was the case during the WorkCover debate, and it is the case again now. Ultimately, when sacrifice is required, the Steph Key’s and Frances Bedford’s of this world retreat to whatever hole they came from, and return to closeted remarks about the glorious day when Jay is Premier. In politics, talk is cheap unless followed by actions.

The Left is swiftly becoming the faction that cried wolf, and the Right knows it. Their persistent inability to follow their threats with meaningful action means the Right can joyfully frolick in the forest at night, unafraid of any lurking predator. My former colleagues and I would often speculate about the cunning plan that Jay Weatherill must be plotting to ensure his ascent to Premier. In light of recent events, however, I must suspect that Weatherill is the political equivalent of Baldrick from Blackadder, or worse, the ALP’s Peter Costello. It takes ruthlessness and courage to steal the ring of power from the holder. Jay is at risk of being relegated forever to the shadows, yearning for “his precious”.

While the Right did assert its power with almost faultless execution, Mike Rann appears to be the fly in the ointment. Firstly, I suspect that factional operatives did not expect Kevin Foley to receive such important and high profile portfolios. Rann, forever mindful of protecting his own grip on power, obviously felt it was in his best interests ensure that Big Kev continued to occupy an important chair at the Cabinet table. Rann also used the portfolio allocation as another opportunity to double cross long time nemesis Tom Koutsantonis. Kouts was anticipating receipt of the IR portfolio, but this went to Buckets Bernie Finnigan. There is plenty of wile and cunning in old dog Rann, and I wouldn’t count him out yet, especially with Rau (a man with conflicting allegiances between Right faction and Rann) as his new, loyal Deputy.

PS The boys club culture of the ALP and Right faction has been an issue that I have discussed at length in the past. It perhaps merits a revisit, but I am going to wait for events to unfold a little further.

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